Interviewing @Tech
Everything you need as a hiring manager to navigate the interview process, make a great
first impression, and bring on the right people to support the mission at our Institute.

USG Statement of Principles
As you make decisions throughout the interview process, please keep in mind the Board of Regents approved Statement of Principles that affirm and protect academic freedom and freedom of expression for students, faculty, and staff at all 26 USG colleges and universities.

Aligning to L.O.V.E. GT Core Values
Georgia Tech’s values are foundational to everything we do which includes interviewing. Aligning to these values helps us make better decisions, guide our priorities, and help us focus on our important, shared mission.
Complete the Training Course
This training course offers a step-by-step guide through the interview and hiring process specifically for hiring managers responsible for hiring staff. All hiring managers are required to complete this course and will be automatically enrolled. Log into Genius by clicking the link below:

Suite of Resources
Getting Started
Posting Jobs
Hiring & Interview Checklist
See the required steps of the interview process in this checklist
External Search Firms Reference Guide
Review this guide before engaging with external search firms.
Job Posting Request Form
Submit this form to begin the process
Know Your Legal Responsibilities
Legal Checklist
Review before beginning the interview process
Selecting the Appropriate Process
Process Guide
Follow the appropriate process included in this guide
Accessing Hiring Materials
Knowledge Article
Review how to access and review materials
Preparing for Interviews
Selecting Committee/Panel Members
Follow these guidelines when choosing committee/panel members to participate in the search
Knowledge Article
Staff Search Committee Training Process
Understanding Roles and Responsibilities
Roles and Responsibilities Chart
Review roles and responsibilities chart
Committee Checklist
Provide these items to your committee/panel members
Committee/Panel Checklist
Candidate Success Profile
Applicant Pool Evaluation Summary Form
Question Selection
Interview Question Matrix
Question Selection Guide
Evaluating Candidates
Conducting Interviews
Conducting Interviews Guide
Review for an overview of how to conduct interviews
Checking Perspective/Partiality
Interview Cautionary Notes
Review before conducting your first interview
Candidate Evaluation
Choose the evaluation tool(s) that you are comfortable with using to assess candidates.
Ranking Assessment
Qualified Assessment
STAR Assessment
Align expectations for conclusive answers based on the chosen evaluation tool and candidate success profile.
Interview Guide Template
Cohort Interview Evaluation Form
Completing the Process
Communications and Follow-up
Consult your HR representative about follow-up communication and extending offers to candidates.
Finalizing Hiring Documentation
Document Storage and Retention Procedures Guide
Follow this guide when storing and retaining interview documents
Onboarding New Hires
Once your hire is approved, direct the new employee to complete the Georgia Tech onboarding process at Administrative Services Center (ASC).
Onboarding Process
Additional Resources

Administrative Services Portal

OneUSG Connect

Georgia Tech Human Resources (GTHR)
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is this important?
Interviewing @Tech offers crucial support to hiring managers throughout the interview process, providing them with the tools and resources necessary to maintain consistent hiring practices across Georgia Tech. These resources are designed to ensure the Institute makes a strong first impression and selects the best talent to advance our mission and goals.
I hire staff, what does this mean for me?
If you hire staff, you will be required to complete the Interviewing @Tech training course. This course will explore key resources, examine the interview process from start to finish, and review policies that are critical for talent selection. It will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.
What if I currently do not supervise staff?
The training enrollment was based from institute record, contact your HRBP to correct your reporting line. However, please note that if you are serving on a search committee, you will still be required to complete the Staff Search Committee training.
How can I learn more?
You can learn more by joining an upcoming virtual information session:
Click here to watch the recording of Interviewing @Tech Info Session 1 on July 16, 2024
Click here to watch the recording of Interviewing @Tech Info Session 2 on July 29, 2024
Click here to watch the recording for Interviewing @Tech Info Session 3 on September 17, 2024
What is expected of me now as a Hiring Manager?
The approach you take, and the design of the interview process will require you to exercise some new skills and behavior to ensure that we consistently and fairly adhere to standardized practices. You are also required to complete the mandatory training course, which takes about 30 minutes.
When is the Interviewing @Tech training course deadline?
Training course deadline is within 60 days of enrollment.
What if I missed the course deadline?
- If you missed the deadline, the course will still be available under “Active Courses” on your dashboard. Please complete it as soon as possible to ensure compliance with USG policy. You will continue to receive notifications to complete the training until the training is complete.
How can I check the report to see who needs to complete the training?
Click this link or follow the steps below to access the report.
- Visit
- Select HCM from the menu.
- Select Interviewing @Tech Compliance
- Use the Department Name & ID filter to select your department.
- Use the Completion Status filter to select those who have not completed the training.
I am having trouble accessing my course, what should I do?
If you are having trouble accessing your course and need technical support, please submit a ticket here.
Who do I go to for help?
1. Review the webpage for information and resources.
2. Reach out to your talent advisor (TA) or HR representative with quick questions about policies or where to find materials for the interview process.
3. For feedback or technical issues related to the training, resources, or webpage, contact the Administrative Services Center (ASC) in one of the following ways:
Call: 404.385.1111
Submit a General HR Request ticket
Is this training mandatory?
Hiring Practitioners | Talent Advisors/HR Partners | Search Committee Members |
Hiring practitioners (staff and faculty) who supervise staff are automatically enrolled in the required training, available through the Dashboard. | Talent Advisors & HR Partners are automatically enrolled in the required training, available through the Dashboard. | Identified search committee members must self-enroll and complete the “Interviewing @Tech: Staff Search Committee” required training. Click here for direct access to the Search Committee Training |
If you would like to learn more about Interviewing @Tech but do not supervise staff, self-enroll to the Search Committee Training for a brief overview. Click here KB0043865 to learn more about Staff Comittee Training Process and how to self-enroll.
If you are a people leader who supervises staff and did not receive an email notification about your enrollment in the course, check the Learner Dashboard in Genius to confirm enrollment. If this course hasn’t been assigned to you, contact the ASC.
How will I know I need to complete the training?
You will be auto enrolled in the training and receive an email notification from Log into Genius to view your Learner Dashboard. If you have been enrolled, you will see “Interviewing @Tech” listed as an active course.
I am a new manager, when should I expect to be enrolled in the Interviewing@Tech course?
Newly hired, newly promoted managers are auto enrolled on the 3rd of each month and are required to take the Interviewing@Tech course as a component of the Leading@Tech program. There is also an ongoing enrollment section of the course which is available for those who do not meet the criteria for the Leading@Tech training course. Enrollment in the ongoing section of the Interviewing@Tech course is done on a weekly basis. Enrollment occurs within 7-10 days of the effective date of your supervisory role.
I am a faculty member who does not supervise staff. Am I required to complete the training?
If you are a member or chair of a search committee to hire faculty or if you are the hiring manager for faculty, you will be required to complete the “Training for Faculty Searches.” The training module is available on the Genius platform; additional resources are available on Questions should be directed to the Vice Provost for Faculty Office at
I am not a supervisor who hires staff, can I take the training?
Those who are individual contributors or do not supervise staff can self-enroll in the Interviewing @Tech: Staff Search Committee training on Genius. Review knowledge article KB0043820 to learn more about how to self-enroll.
Where can I find the training?
The training is housed in the Institute’s primary learning management system, Log into Genius to view your Learner Dashboard. If you have been enrolled, you will see “Interviewing @Tech” listed as an active course.
How long will I have to complete this training?
All 12-month supervisors of staff and faculty who hire staff, Talent Advisors, and HR Partners are required to complete the training within 60 days of enrollment.
Nine/ten-month faculty who hire staff are required to complete the training within 60 days of enrollment.
All selected Search Committee members are required to self-enroll and complete the “Interviewing @Tech: Staff Search Committee” training within two business days.
How do I know if my training course is complete?
It can take up to 24 hours for the system to update. To verify 100% course completion in Genius and access your certificate, please take the following steps:
- Log on to
- On the left navigation, select Genius Dashboard to return to your Learner Dashboard (Links to an external site).
- On your Learner Dashboard, select the refresh icon under Completed Courses. Your course will move from active courses to completed courses.
- Note: In some situations, it may take up to several hours for your course to appear under Completed Courses.
- Once your course has moved to completed status, you can select the completed course to download a course completion certificate.
I’ve completed my training, but I am still recieving notifications about incomplete status. What should I do?
- If you’ve completed your training but are still receiving notifications that it is not complete, please note that it can take up to 24 hours for the system to update. To verify full course completion and access your certificate, please check Genius after this time has elapsed. If you are still receiving notifications after 24 hours of completing your training and have a copy of your certificate, please reach out to the ASC.
Please contact us for any queries or Submit a General HR Request via the Administrative Services portal.
Office Location
755 Marietta Street,
Atlanta, GA 30318